The Orthodox Church
The (New Testament, earthly) Orthodox Church traces its roots to the holy event celebrated during the feast of Pentecost, when the Apostles received the grace and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and were given the charge to spread the gospel of Christ and disclose the means to man’s salvation. Orthodox is defined as "right belief", holding true to Holy Scripture and Holy Apostolic Tradition, which has led the Church from the very beginning. As is stated in the Nicene Creed, (formulated by the Holy Fathers of the 1st and 2nd Ecumenical Councils in the 4th century), the Church is holy (Godly, separated from the world), catholic (universal), and Apostolic (traceable directly to the God-inspired teachings and Traditions of the Apostles, and led by bishops who are ordained through Apostolic succession). The Orthodox Church, being the mystical body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23), is guided by the Holy Spirit and holds fast to [written] Holy Scripture and [unwritten] Apostolic Tradition (2 Thess. 2:15). |
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As such, our church follows the "old" (Julian) ecclesiastical calendar, and maintains all the rich Traditions that were handed down from the Holy Apostles down to the Holy Fathers. Adhering to the system of governance and hierarchal authority established by the Holy Apostles, our bishop is Metropolitan Demetrius, under the G.O.C. (Genuine Orthodox Christians of America), an Eparchial Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, led by Archbishop Kallinikos.
For more about our ecclesiology: | |
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